Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Candy Cane Love Story

It all started off on a Saturday morning. Next week was Christmas and I was just being made on the Saturday. At first started off with the mixing to make me. They then poured me onto this weird machine that I don’t recall the name of. The candy to make me was then going into the puller to make the candy at its greatest; they added green and red stripes from a name that escapes me. Then the cutting came. Cut us into hard sticks. Finally I was born. That was when I met Sally. We both got bent into cane like sticks and then put into the same package. It was nice to be lying right next to Sally she had the gentlest peppermint smell. I asked her if she was trying a new perfume, I realized that I was wearing the same kind of scent. Oh no I was a girl! Sally told me that I was not a girl I just have the same smell. Oh good that means I’m a guy and it’s alright to be attracted to Sally.

After seven of us were made we went to the store. I met a dude that looked vaguely familiar. Apparently we were both made in Sweden. Just what I thought! It kind of hurt my feelings when I saw Sally looking at him. He was in a different package so what was so good about him? Same red and green stripes at me, but that’s when I noticed the horrifying pain coming out of my one leg. I was broken! “Are you ok Paul?” Sally asked curious. “Do you not notice me screaming in excruciating pain?!” I whimpered.

Time was passing and just as I was about to leave the factory I got taken out of my box. What was going on? Where was I going? Will I ever see Sally again? I noticed they were starting to smash me into tiny little pieces and being put into the mixing bowl once again. Everything happened all over again! As I came out so lively, I could feel my Glossy streaks running down my side. They were even glossier than before! Sally has to love me now. I stepped into my package with the help of a wrinkly old hand. It’s so hard to find good workers here these days.
I laid back beside Sally and the first words that came out of her mouth made me jump in joy. “Has something changed? It looks good!” This blissful moment will stay inside my tiny little brain forever until I get eaten that is.

I felt this feeling inside my stomach as if I was being lifted. I was being lifted! We were carried out of the store and into a delivery truck. Next thing we knew was that we were at a place that always makes people happy….Wal-Mart! As we sat upon the shelf in aisle 5, we could only see the Christmas decorations across the aisle and people walking by. People stared, people admired, and some people were even tempted to buy us but didn’t feel the need. Maybe we have just gone out of style and there is no point in hoping we will be the chosen ones.

Waiting in Wal-Mart, Sally and I sat. I turned to look at her but her cheeks were as red as her stripes. What had been the matter? I thought curiously to myself. “Sally, are you okay?” I murmured. “Billy is gone and now, I feel sad!” She whimpered. Billy is that guy I met when they were making us. The one I thought looked vaguely familiar. He must have gotten bought. Of course she still liked him. What was I thinking? She could never love a guy like me. I sat there very depressed thinking I would never win Sally, but that’s when it happened.

“Where is she taking us?” Sally moaned. “Hopefully some place good!” I pled. As the very young looking woman took us out of our packaging, I could tell Sally was nervous. Sally was the first one to get picked up, so she wasn’t quite sure if she was going to be eaten, put on the tree, given to the dog, or put on the table for decoration. I heard a sigh of relief from Sally when she got put onto the tree for decoration. I was the next one out. I wasn’t too scared because I figured I would also go onto the tree. I held my breath as she picked me up. I couldn’t speak, think, or even move! I was frozen like the candy cane I am. I was there in her hand, couldn’t even breathe. The woman brought me closer and closer to her mouth and just as she was about to give me a taste, my stripe sparkled. Right then was a miracle because as soon as she saw that little light from the corner of her eye she sat me onto the bright and colourful tree right next to Sally. I was ecstatic that the woman would choose to place me right next to Sally.

Trust me the best part of this story is coming up extremely soon. I noticed that the Woman only put on a few more of my friends on, but then she went for her decorations. First decoration I noticed was the fake mistletoe decoration the she hung right above us. I leaned over to Sally and gave her a kiss. “What was that for?” Sally said blushing. “The mistletoe is right above us, there is no reason to waste a good kiss” I giggled. Right then is when I knew we would be together forever through thick and thin.

A Few years later Sally and Paul are still together. They were almost eaten twice by some little toddler but ever since that Christmas they have been together. Paul has a few chips throughout his leg but Sally still loves him and that’s all he needed to know. Sally’s stripes have faded but Paul knows he would never want to give up Sally. They then both lived happily ever after.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Best Christmas Ever!

Year 2007 was one of the best and worst years of my life. I lived in Prince George for my entire life until that summer. I was moving away. As you could tell that was the worst part of that year, but the best because, since I was moving away I got to spend almost every waking moment with my best friend Marly. We met through my neighbors fence when we were only about 2 years old. Ever since that day we have been friends and still are even though we are far away from each other.

We picked up Marly on our way to the lake. Summit Lake is where my Grandparents live therefor we call it the lake. Marly was going to spend a weekend with me. I would have to say it was one of the best weekends of my entire life! We sat on the stairs at my grandma's house. As we sat on the nice pine furnished stairs, we could smell fire burning in the furnace to keep the house warm.

"Grandma we're bored!" I sighed. "Don't worry you will have plenty to do at the hall for the Christmas Party!" Grandma Exclaimed. The Hall is just a big place where we have party's and events that are big. I turned to Marly with eyes full of excitement. "We have to go pick out what we want to wear!" I was so excited that I hit myself just for forgetting about the hall. Never once in my life have I forgotten about the hall and here's why. Grandma started on the car and my family (Including Marly, I call her my sister.) All got into the car singing to Christmas carols.

As we got into the Hall I could see many families there. Some related to me and some that have been friends with us for a long time. The very first thing Marly and I did was jump on the big red couch that Santa would always sit on. My friend Jessica, and my annoying cousin joined us. After a while we started to get bored so we decided to play tag as any other child would. "Watch the candles!" One of my relatives bellowed. There was many burning candles on each table. About 15 minutes later after visiting, eating snacks, laughing, and having drinks, we started playing mini games. Of course it was just the children who would play the mini games but My sister was helping out by pushing the play button on the stereo. Marly and I were having so much fun. The mini games were for winning prizes and one of the games Marly and I both one at the same time. It was freeze dance. Very easy and fun. We had to dance and then we would freeze when the music stopped. Marly and I won at that one no problem.

We played quite a few games like pass the present until it was fully unwrapped, freeze tag, freeze dance, etc. We then had dinner. It was just like a buffet, got to pick whatever we wanted. I picked perogies because I love perogies. I was just so utterly excited to sing carols because that was when Santa would come and give us presents. Yay It was time! As everyone got up to go into the middle to sing I could smell a mix of pine floor and the smell of burning candles. I felt so much happiness and I was so Excited waiting for Santa. We sang a few carols and then finally "Here comes Santa Clause" It was always the last song we would sing because as we sang that song Santa would come through the doors. "Here comes Santa Clause, Here comes Santa Clause, right down Santa Clause lane..." "Louder everyone!" Mrs. Peckem would command. We knew that if we got louder Santa would be coming through those doors so Marly and I would sing our hearts out.

"Ho, Ho, Ho" As Santa walked through the doors with a big white beard on, Marly and I would have a grin reaching our ears. Santa sat on the big red couch and called out one by one for different people to give them presents. "Shannon Evans" Yay Santa called me!!!!!! I was happy to go up there sit on his knee and take a picture. As he spoke to me "Have you been a good girl?" "Yes Santa I have." I left as my parents took one last final picture as a memory. I sat back down eager to open my present but Marly and I decided to open the presents when we both got one. "Marly" Marly hurried up same thing as I did and took a picture. We then opened our presents. We got Nancy Drew books and gloves. Interesting. We both got the same thing but different Nancy Drew books.

That night was one I would never forget. I still haven't forgotten it. I have a picture in my scrapbook for memories and remembering how much fun Marly and I had. I lost the gloves sadly but I still have the Nancy Drew books...Although I haven't read them. :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The P Perfection Scale At It's Greatest!

This muffin with a candle just sadly doesn't pass for a birthday cake. If you are poor this cake (muffin) Is just perfect for you. Just is too small. The cake (muffin) would probably be "In Progress"

This cake is beautiful but it just isn't as powerful as it could be. This cake is just "Passing" because you could layer it and make it more powerful but the person didn't.

As tall as this cake may be it just isn't as good as it could be. It is pleasing but not completely satisfying. It shall be names "pleasing"

This is the world's largest cake. It is as big and decorative as it could get. It is very "Powerful" And at it's greatest.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Running, Toes, Bubbles

After a long day of extremely fast running, she discovered that her six toes had grown bubbles at the end of them. Lorah couldn't figure out why so she wrote down everything she did earlier that day.

She was sitting in her house just after a long jog. The fan was going and Spa music was on, to release her shockra. She took off her shoes while she was watching T.V. The show is the awesomest one ever! "Barney and The Muppets Together!" What could be a better show haha! As she was watching T.V. She noticed bubbles popping underneath her blanket. "Barney and the Muppets" will just have to wait.

Walking toward the kitchen with every step a popping sound comes as if she was stepping on bubble rap. This popping was annoying her so she decided to look under the blanket to see why it was doing this sound. Bubbles are on the ends of my toes! Every time Lorah would step the bubble would pop. Everytime a bubble popped another one would grow back. "What would this desease be called?" She thought to herself. Must not be normal. Considering Lorah only has 6 toes it was nice having bubbles because then it be like she has lots of toes which is always nice.

Lorah lost four of her toes from an accident she had. She was sitting in her car ready for the light to turn green. Every car was moving to turn because she was in that lane. It was Lorahs turn to turn, as she was turning a semi couldn't stop through the red light and hit the side of her car. The Semi driver called the ambulance because Lorah couldn't do it. She was strapped in too tight in her seat belt and her legs were caught in between the seat and the semi. She got a concussion and lost lots of blood....and four toes. Lorah has never been normal ever since the accident. She doesn't drive and she is scared of Semi's and toes. Sadly the only thing Lorah enjoys to do is Run. She'll run a mile and everything. You might think that would be hard but it isn't at all. Just have to know what to do and you will be fine.

Lorah has been to many counselors but it hasn't really helped her. When Lorah was only 5 her parents died from a house fire. No one really knows how it happened but it did. The counselor said Lorah's family just probably has bad luck. Well now you know this sad tragedy she calls her life.

Lorah grabbed a sandwich and sat back down to watching T.V. and being snuggled in a warm blanket. "Maybe this is the start of my good luck?!" She questioned. "I hope it is!" She got up and went for another run with her new "Toes"

As she got back from her run she lay ed in her bed because it was bed time. The run had gone very well and it was way easier to run with more toes than she had. "Oh ya I can get used to this!" She was ecstatic because she finally had enough toes to do many things. "Life is good thanks to bubbles and my now good luck." Lorah closed her eyes and for the first time in a very long time she had a peaceful smile like she had just won the lottery. This was more than the lottery. This was the best gift she could have every received from anyone.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Almost to Cuba!

Part 1 (Real Story)

My first major trip in a plane! I was jumping around my seat waiting for the plane to land. I saw oceans pass me and lake's, houses, and every tree in between. I saved up all my money to buy suveniers and many other things like meraca's. "We are almost in Cuba" the pilot said. I stared out the window searching for the air port. Lemme tell you it is small! But very big for them. Slowly we got out of the plane but we couldn't find our luggage. About 2 minutes later, we found our luggage right in front of our faces. Talk about blind side. Haha. My parents asked me why I was smiling very big. Obviously it was because I was in Cuba! We went to our room. I jumped and landed on our bed and started writing in my journal about the fun times I was having.

My mom went out for a walk to see what we could do and I decided to go with her. There are a lot of things you can do in Cuba lemme tell you. I was trying to count all of the things but couldn't. We decided we wanted to change rooms so we went to the person at the main desk thingy. She said there were only a couple. We picked the nicest one of course. It was right beside the pool and burger bar. Yummy. This was a nice view.

"I am soo tired" I said with a yawn. Of course my mom had this look she always does when she is trying to prove a point. "Then go to bed, you can always do more things tomorrow" Confused mom said.

"YAAWWWNN, What's for breakfast?" I was desperately hungry. "Well we have to go to the main place and you can pick what they serve. They serve many things." My daddy said.

I wanted to suntan. So I went to the beach. It was a very pretty beach and the waves were big. My bathing suit was soaking when I came out of the pool. "Well my as well suntan now that I'm soaked" I Mischieviously said. I ran along the beach while my parents were watching me because I was 9 so what would a 9 year old do? They could do A LOT! "Ohh What is that?!" I questioned to my mom. I was pointing at a boat that was in the air. Skipping along the beach as fast as I could, with my parents behind me being very slow, we went by the sign that talked about the fees.

"Please, Please, Please!" I used my manners as well as I could so I could go on that boat. "Well..." My mom tried to negotiate with my dad. "It would be an exciting thing for her to experience" I know that voice she was going to let me go! "YAYY" I screamed Excitingly.

"Would you like to go on miss?" said the dude that controlled the boat. He called me Miss haha. I felt so professional getting all my gear on and getting on the flying boat. As we were going up into the air it felt like my stomach was going down instead of up. Vice versa when we were going down. Great Experience.

That same day I met one of my best friends Katie. She is from England. (ACTUALLY HAPPENED) -> My dad taught Cubans Yahtzee! He would play it everyday with the Cubans that worked there and now they are best friends! Still are! Me and Katie would always swim together in one of the best pools/ Burger bar! She is a true friend. We switched emails and we email each other constantly!

Sadly we are now leaving. Packed up our luggage and grabbed the hotel room key. Looked at the pool one last time and Sighed "I'll be back don't worry, Best trip ever!"

Part 2 (Non real story)

"Noo!" I don't want to go right now! It's still dark outside and it's not even 1 pm in the afternoon yet, that's when I get up!" Slumping into the car very grumpy dragging my stuff behind me, slumped onto the seat with an "Oof!". Getting to Alberta and waiting for the plane was so boring. Why did it have to be me? Sure it's Cuba but whatever I can go some other time. Finally the plane was here! Good thing my suitcase had wheels because otherwise it would be dirty from all the dragging. On a plane for 2 hours. Colouring in a stupid little kid colouring book. Frustrated because I couldn't concentrate with the stupid plane movie they always have. I kept colouring out of the lines. I'm a very good colour er so I'm not used to getting out of the lines. "We are now about to stop in Cuba" The Pilot screamed into the mike. "Ugh don't make me get out of the plane I was just about asleep."

We made it finally. The airport was so tiny though. This could be my closet well not really because my closet is way bigger than this place. We couldn't find our luggage it made me really mad. It was so slow it could be from the mail box. Talk about "Snail Mail"

Later that same day my mom was about to go for a walk. She asked if I wanted to go but I was pretending I was asleep so I wouldn't have to. Who would want to go out right now its 3 in the Afternoon time to get my sleep since I wasn't able to sleep in till 1.

We were all sitting down on the couch and then I heard "Grab a newspaper!" There was a cockroach on the floor! "Eww gross, I ain't touchin that!" I said scared. It was moving so quickly. I couldn't stand staying in the same room as that cockroach even though it was squashed. I rushed out of my room ready to complain to the office. My parents came with me so we could change rooms. I wasn't allowed to complain according to my dad so I just stood there with a mad face. We got our room but the only thing good about it was the pool. This room looked almost exactly like the last room without the cockroach.

"What's for breakfast?" I said angrily because my stomach was rumbling. "I'm not sure dear whatever they have cooked for us at the big dining place." Mom said wondering what has gotten into me. "Don't dear me! I'm hungry and want food!" I could tell my mom was getting angry with my attitude but I didn't really care. I was very bored so I sat on my bed with a grumpy face. My mom could somehow tell I was bored so she suggested I go suntan. "I don't want to suntan" "Well then go get fresh air anyway do whatever you want OUTSIDE" "Erg fine I guess I will!" I stormed out of the room with a towel to lay on the sandy beach. It had white sand. I think that was the best part of my trip. I was being quiet lying on my towel and reading a book. I had nothing better to do. I got a cold shiver and realized there was a shadow over me. I looked up really angry now because I was getting cold. Turns out it was a flying boat. My parents walked over and told me we should go check it out

I stormed through the sand spilling sand all over any person I walked by. "I don't want to go see it. It'll be boring!" My dad simply told me, "You will love it, it will be a great experience." "Fine whatever." My parents paid the man to let me go on the boat. He got me all geared up and plopped me on the plane. I didn't feel comfortable being with a man I don't know, and him taking me on a flying plane that could crash down into the water, Plummeting me to my sudden death! When we got in the air I was fine. I actually started enjoying myself. But when we stopped my smile went away because I noticed they were holding a camera. I love getting my picture's taken because I am very photogenic but since I didn't want to go on this boat, I didn't want any pictures.

I was extremely tired now because I haven't been getting my original sleep I would normally be getting. I went to sleep for a crazy next day.

I went outside around 12 noon to go for a swim. I met this girl named Katie. Turns out she lives in England. Pssshhh England sucks! We switched emails but there is no point it's not like I'm going to email her. My dad played this game with the Cubans. The game is called Yahtzee. Apparently the Cubans have never played Yahtzee so it was new to them. Oh well! I don't care about that either.

We are now leaving...YES! I AM FREE FROM THIS PLACE! WE packed up all our luggage and grabbed the hotel room key. I looked at the pool one last time and screamed "I HATE THIS PLACE IT'S BORING, I'M NEVER COMING BACK!"

Monday, November 9, 2009

Joe The Homewrecker!

Oohh where are we going?? She grabbed me out of my holder and we got in the car. She would always take me places. The first sign I see says Michaels Craft store. I started to wonder if we were going there to get crafts. We passed the sign and we passed the store. Obviously we weren’t going to Michaels. I sat in the car for a while time passed and left us after a while I started to get bored so the next sign I wanted us to be going to. The next sign I saw was a sign that said Costco. Yay we were going to Costco! We got out of the car and I just couldn’t wait to get inside the store. Once inside the store we got some food samples. Of course I couldn’t get any because I can’t eat but she takes me everywhere she goes so I'm okay with that. The first isle we go to is the isle with all the toys. I love the toy Isle normally wego there to get me some clothes. I saw my friend Bob that got packaged into a box to get sold. Bob was my best friend and always will be. We talked for a bit but then my owner said “meet your new friend” He was a penguin. In my opinion dogs are better. I noticed that she has never bought a new toy with me beside her I didn’t like it one bit. I’m guessing this is why.

As I sat in my holder I watched her play with Joe the penguin. What was wrong with me? Why does it matter that I only have one eye and 3 legs instead of 4 legs? Shouldn’t it be the love I give instead? I just couldn’t figure it out. I have one more leg than Joe so that can’t be it. Although I have one eye less than Joe too. I guess when you’re the new shiny toy you get played with too much and then once a newer toy comes in, you get thrown into your holder suffocating you because you can’t play with her too. When it was nighttime I figured she would take me out of my holder and let me sleep with her. But she didn’t instead she took Joe. Although I don’t like Joe I don’t like being second when it comes to cuddling. I guess you could be first for a while but sooner or later I knew I would be second. She left me there with a shattered heart and unless I am still her favourite I will never be happy again. I will have to live with a depressing life again unless she finally gets rid of Joe and loves me like I always have with her.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tatertott Love Story

Guess what! My name is Loretta Gold but my friends call me TaterTott. I know it's a very wierd nickname but I got it at one of the best places ever imagined.

I was sitting in the dining room waiting for some service with my friends. We were in a latin restaurant and of course there was a latin waiter. If you were there at the time you would have seen us fiddling with our hair, and doing our make-up, and all the things you could have imagined would be wrong with a girl. As the latin waiter approached us he said these words and I quote "Hi I am Kintago Siesta and I will be serving you today" We told him that we needed just another minute to get what we want planned out. As he left we starting giggling about what we have to say next and what we have to order to make us not look like pigs. We normally order 3 pieces of french toast, along side some salad, and a jumbo sprite for us to share. Yes they do have french toast at a latin restaurant. Anyway getting back...He came back and asked us what we would like to order. We didn't want to be pigs so we just said tatertotts. Well my friends did anyway. The only thing that could come out of my mouth were...tatertoots...It was humiliating and when I tried again I would say tapertotts. I just didn't have the right mind to say tatertotts. It's funny because before when I was just with my friends I could say it fine. But as soon as Kintago came the world came crashing down. Yay! (Sarcasm)

I sat at home with a few of my girlfriends and we were talking about what happened to me earlier. Why did it have to be me. Have you ever noticed that in a world when you hope something won't happen to you it always does, Except the occasional time when things don't happen to you. I wish it was that time. We talked about how spicy we think Kintago was and what would happen if we asked him out. Does he have a girlfriend? Is he looking for marriage? I need to know these things! We were talking the whole night about him, because my friends slept over.

The next day we wanted breakfast but we didn't feel like cooking. We couldn't think of any closer restaurant than the Latin one. So we went back. My girlfriends literally had to drag me out the door. I couldn't face him and by him I mean Kintago. He probably thinks I'm a maniac! We sat down at a different table this time so Kintago couldn't serve us. Lucky for us he changed his serving plans and is now serving or table and a few others. We once again ordered tatertotts and the only thing I could think of was "don't mess up, don't mess up!" So when I ordered I said "Could I just have some tatertotts?" The words that came out of his mouth were so beautiful that only his accent could compliment it "sure thing, I'll be right back." YES! I DIDN'T MESS UP! I started doing my happy dance "du du du du du du!" I sang...Sadly I sang and danced my happy dance all over Kintago and sure enough I found out the service was super fast at 10 in the morning. I saw my tatertotts all over him. Another time tatertotts have completely embarrased me. I booked it out of the restaurant with a very quiet sorry and ran all the way to my house. My friends came over later that day because they ate at the restaurant.

I couldn't stand going back to that restaurant unless I knew Kintago wasn't serving me...But I really wanted their milkshakes. So I decided to go back but put a menu in my face so he couldn't see me if he was serving me. Thankfully he wasn't serving me. This other guy came up to me and handed me a sticky note and left. It had a number on it, but who's was it? Was it his? When he came back I asked him who's it was. He turned his head and pointed in Kintago's direction. I was confused "I don't see him, is he behind Kintago?" Finally the waiter stopped keeping his mouth shut and actually told me who's it was. KINTAGO! I screamed and ran out the restaurant calling my friends on Speed dial. We were talking so fast it was like hampsters on helium.

I called Kintago the next day and he actually asked me out. Who in the right mind would ask me out? KINTAGO WOULD! He asked me if I wanted to go to the fair with him. Of course I said yes because who wouldn't to that beautiful accent.

It has been 9 months and 2 weeks and we are still going out but sadly.....He calls me tatertott. Obvious reasons.

Time has passed and still I'm tatertott but you know what I'm okay with it because 1 that is a cute nickname and 2 the nickname stands for a funny story. A story I will tell my kids, and their kids will tell their kids. etc. You have heard my story and hopefully you look at your nickname in a positive way. Just like I had to in order to live with my boyfriend :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Just Me

Look around you. What do you see? Lots of people trying to become popular somehow someway. Everyday is the same for girls. Look at your hair, if it doesn't look right you fix it. Brush your teeth, if they still look yellow you brush them again. Some of these things girls do not do, but I think most of them do. Popular is what everyone wants to be. You get good presents, boyfriend/girlfriend, And so many other things. I may not be a popular but I'm not a geek either. You know what I am? Normal. Things could not be exactly what you think they are. But too bad some things are that way. For now I don't care about popularness or geekyness....ok maybe I do care a little about geekyness, but all I'm worrying about right now is being me. Crazy, fun loving, exciting, random, ME! Mwa ha ha ha...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Samuri Scaredy Student! :)

Konnichiwa, this is Samuri Scaredy Student and this is my story about how I (scaredy student) turned into a Samuri!

As I sauntered along the row of cars in the parking lot searching for my car, I am thinking about the shopping spree I just had. As I am thinking about these things I get to my car. There is a strange man leaning against the car next to mine. He wore really rundown clothes and was holding a can. I figured he was just waiting for me to back out of the parking lot. But I was wrong, Boy was I wrong. It was the starting of my living nightmare or could it have been the best possible thing that could ever happen to me? You won't know until the end. He asked me to donate some money to him for clothes and other utilities but all I could declare was "No, Not right now thanks. You may have never heard about hobo's being a fear, but they are my fear. Strange isn't it? Anyway back to the story.

I was at my house lonesome on my bed watching T.V. I got up to go brush my teeth, and when I spat out the toothpaste I wanted to look in the mirror to see my pearly white teeth. If you were in my house at that time you would've heard a massive scream. When I looked in the mirror he was there! HOBO ATTACK! I bolted out of my house running down the street screaming my head off, I look behind me and I swear there were 5 hobo's running after me! I also saw many of my neighbors looking very tired. I didn't understand why they didn't call the cops. Maybe it was because they thought it was some wierd games and that we were trying to prank them. Some of them might have been too tired to understand what was going on. I look back again and they were all holding a baseball bat and they started laughing really frightening laughs. I look ahead as I cross the street and to make sure I lost them I look back a final time. I stop! Nothing or no one was following me anymore.

I start walking back home thinking they went back to their house. I was right they left! I got in my house, changed into my P.J.'s and headed to bed for another very crazy day. I seriously swear I woke up in the middle of the night to see a hobo at the end of my bed. I shut my eyes then opened them and he was gone. I went back to bed hoping I wouldn't have another encounter with the hobo. When I woke up in the morning everything was the same. I was going to go for a walk but I was scared the hobo and his friends would chase me again. I finally decided I would go for a walk because I wanted the fresh air. Also it was extremely sunny outside, and I couldn't pass up a good day like that. When I went for this walk no one was following me, I was so happy to know I was safe... for now.

I went to work and talked to my best friend Miranda. She said she loved the movie that's called "The Hobo Stalker" I was surprised. Was it just a dream? I bet it's a dream because would 5 hobos seriously follow me with baseball bats down the street? I highly doubt it.

When work was over I started walking home. Oh and if you don't know my car is fine I just felt like walking today for no reason. When I got to the bus stop the hobo was there. It wasn't a dream because I pinched myself to find out. I went up to the hobo and he was holding coffee. I suddenly bumped into him and I spilt it all over him. As soon as I knew it I started to fight him! That is when I found out I was Samuri Scaredy Student. If you were there at the time you would see me doing like wrestling moves. I DON'T EVEN LIKE WRESTLING! It surprised me to find out I could do all these actions. After he was on the ground, He wasn't that hurt don't worry, I started walking away. I felt so much better that it felt like I was over hobos. I finally was over hobo's now that I'm Samuri S.S. Now I could finally walk in peace not worrying about a hobo asking me for money because, Samuri Scaredy Student now knows how to defeat all of her fears.

It didn't feel right just leaving him on the ground so I went to help him up and said sorry. As I was walking he had a really scared look on his face, just like the one I had when they were chasing me. I told him not to worry and that I was actually a very nice person. We started talking and he told me how he became a hobo. Apparently it was because his wife had left him and she took his kids and most of his money with her. I told him how sorry I was and that I was actually scared of hobo's, well before I became Samuri Scaredy Student. He also told me that I dropped my wallet so that's why he was chasing me. But he said that there wasn't 5 hobo 's. Only him. He told me that it was probably just a hallucination. Since my apology wouldn't be enough I told him he could stay in my garage well until he has a job and everything he needs to live on his own. Although he has to live in my Garage because even though I'm Samuri Scaredy Student doesn't mean I still can't be a little afraid of hobos.

The Next day my schedule changed a lot since I am Samuri Scaredy Student. I was no longer afraid of taking walks numerous times a day. Even though I was scared of Hobo's, After Tim got all cleaned up he actually looked very nice. Tim Tradder is the hobo. I became very good friends with Tim. We actually had a lot in common. I don't even know why his wife left him he is very attractive. Who knows maybe Samuri Scaredy Student will one day be Mrs. Samuri Scaredy Student Tradder. :) Time will take it's course the way it's supposed to. Hopefully Samuri Scaredy Student doesn't run into any other fears because otherwise that fear could get hurt. We all have a fear. It may be a fear of Pickles, or a Vemonous Spider, we all have them. My fear just happened to be Hobo's but I got over that fear and how did I get over that fear? BY BECOMING SAMURI SCAREDY STUDENT!

P.S. This story has never happened all though I am actually afraid of hobos. If I could get super powers to become a Samuri I would love that! But for now I am just a middle schooler. Getting A's and learning a new thing everyday. Also getting a new fear somehow every week.

My Awesome, Exciting, Fantastic Day Invisible

Invisibility one word-AWESOME. I went into my school earlier that day with confidence. Before I talk about how the school part of my day went, I should tell you how I got invisible.

I woke up in the morning with a mom's scream she kept saying "where are you, where are you?!" I always said "right here mom" she looked around the room but saw nothing. I got up went to my mirror and saw that no one was there, I grabbed a pillow and saw that there was just a floating pillow in the reflection. I went to my mother holding the pillow up right in front of her and all she could say was "your invisible!" I told her this "Yes I know it's awesome!"

I went to school in my P.J's because as you know, no one could see me. I don't exactly know why I was invisible... I guess it was just faith. When I got into the school I kept bumping into people and when they turned around they only saw air. I went to my homeroom teacher Mr. Hayhurst and he put me as absent, I wasn't absent he just couldn't see me so I simply changed it to "on time" I did that with my other teachers also. I was still in Mr. Hayhurst's class tipping all the chairs off the desks. Everyone kept screaming "GHOST, GHOST, GHOST!" I started laughing because they couldn't see me I could do whatever I wanted. I got some hair gel that I found on one of the desks. I didn't really know who's it was but I grabbed the bottle, put a big glob on my hand and everyone I passed I would stick up their hair like devil horns. Time passed and the whole time I was laughing, I had the power to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Life was good that day until... I passed this girl in the hallway that I absolutely hate (strongly dislike) because she always picks on me. I decided to have a little fun with her. I grabbed that gel bottle and squeezed all the gel onto her clothes and then put some in her hair and then put the bottle in her hand so it would look like she did it herself. Her best friends started laughing. That just made her even more mad her face was turning red. She screamed and then headed for the bathroom. She came out with a new set of clothes and she still looked gorgeous, I just did the same thing to her. I know it sounds mean but I will wash her clothes for her, I'm not that mean. Actually that part was good it was funny nothing totally bad happened. Except she got soked in gel!

The day passed slowly but very fun. I had a little fun with everyone I saw. Even if it was simply just moving their stuff when they where grabbing it or changing their hairstyles for them. I had a very fun time.

When I got picked up at the end of the day I went shopping. I didn't shoplift or anything like that because I'm not that kind of person...Or am I? After I went shopping I got home called all my friends asked them how school was and waited for them to explain their day. It was a real funny conversation. I went to bed hoping for another fun day but when I woke up I was normal. It wasn't fair! I wasn't invisible! I guess if you could be invisible you would only want it for a day maybe that's the rule for invisibility. I went to school and heard all the stories and my friends babbling I told them I didn't need to hear it because I lived it. They didn't understand but when it looked like they figured it out I ran up the stairs and went beside a teacher so they couldn't "friend hurt me." The invisible day was fun but It wouldn't last forever. That's something I knew for sure so I had to live my day the way I always wanted. Oh ya! I forgot to tell you I took pictures of my fun day and my worst enemy to put in a scrapbook. That's what
I did when I got home.

I know you want to hear more. But you can't! Mwa ha ha ha. I'm evil! Check out my next story to hear more awesome, crazy, stories!

P.S. This story was not real, and I didn't actually do all those things, I don't have an enemy...Or do I? There is no way I could be invisible and go to school unless I made my awesome juice that tastes like pineapple...Here's a hint: There is only a dash of pineapple juice the rest is a secret! =)

Monday, October 12, 2009

3 Years and Counting

June, 17

I am in Paris right now and let me tell you it is beautiful! You know those postcards you see of the eiffle tower? Up close is way better! I have traveled most of the world. Soon I will be able to cross "Travel the World" off my list. If you didn't get to hear the story you can now.

I was anxious to hear the results but very excited to find out what was wrong with me. As the doctor came in he was smiling. I didn't understand why, so I simply just asked. He said it was because I was going to die in 3 years, but why was he happy about that? It turns out they thought I was going to die sooner. I still didn't get what was wrong with me but when I asked they said it was a very rare desease no one has ever heard of. When I asked them what it was called it was so hard to pronounce they had to sound it out. As I was walking home I made a list of what I was going to do before I died: Learn every language, travel the world, be famous for a day, have tons of money, skydive and scubadive, run a marathon, own a pet pig and crocodile, eat a pickle, and lastly spend time with family and friends.

When I got home my mom was crying. I asked her what was wrong and she said "Because you are going to die in 3 years" I told her this and I quote "Don't worry mom I'm not worried, I just want to do all the things I've always wanted to do before I die. I've already done 2 things so I can cross them off my list." If you are wondering, the 2 things are "Travel around the world" and "learn every language" I learnt every language just by traveling the world so it helps a lot! Well I cought you up on my story back to real life.

September, 20

I am in Australia now. A kangaroo just passed me what a beautiful sight. I've already been here for 2 weeks and I think I saw everying I wanted to in Australia. That was the last place I had to go to. Next on my list is "Skydive and Scubadive" I'll go skydiving tomorrow. It's time for bed good night!

September, 21

I think I literally peed my pants! I don't know if it was because I was laughing so hard because it was so much fun or because I was freefalling from a plane. When I jumped out all I could think about was me and the sky, good thing I cought myself at the last minute otherwise I would've gone splat and never been alive for the rest of my 2 years. I pulled the parachute when I saw the other guy land, boy that was close. I also went scubadiving today it was really nice to see all the coral, the fish, and the wierd signs under the water. Literally there were signs saying like "go this way to see the pink coral" It was so cool to see the different fish. Luckily there weren't any sharks otherwise I would've been dead haha. There are many dangers in the world I never even knew about, I could've died at any minute!

February, 14

Life as a superstar is great! One song at a karaoke club and you are famous for a day! I sang "These boots were made for walkin" I rocked It and made tons of money! I finally got to feel what it was like to have paparazzi following you for your autograph or picture. It sucks! But on the bright side that's 2 more things to cross off my list. So far I have done 5 out of 9 things on my list Catch me tomorrow to find out how this ends or at least tomorrow's day!

February, 19

Running is hard work! I have always, ALWAYS, hated running. I wanted to run in a marathon just like Terry Fox did but I am determined to go farther than him. Haha that will never happen because I do indeed hate running but I will still try and run in a mini marathon. I finished in 2nd last place but I never gave up. I guess that's what matters the most instead of winning. Well maybe winning counts a little :). I only have 1 year and 10 months left to go. I'm trying to be brave and not worry too much but I do care a lot that I could die any minute in 3 years well now only 1 year and 10 months. I still have to do 3 things left and the last one is the most important one of all. "Own a pet pig and crocodile, Eat a pickle, and my favourite, spend time with family and friends."

April, 6

For my breakfast I decided to eat a pickle so I can cross it off my list. It was very tasty, and now I am just about to go to the farm to find a pig and a crocodile. "That pig is $250 and the crocodile is $300." said the farmer. A little pricey but I can spend all my money I don't care that when I die no one gets my bill. It's nice. I built a fence when I got home so Dudly (pig) and Cracker (crocodile) could have a good home. I got special mud. Well the dude said it was special but I don't think it was, and I also got a pond for Cracker. Who will look after them though when I'm gone? I guess my sister can or maybe my best friend marney. Either way they will have a good home.

August, 20

My last thing on my list. I am with them right now. Friends and Family. I think at the moment I could care less about dying because I am with them. I realized I had drifted asleep and when I woke up everyone was looking at me. Even paramedics. I heard one say "she's dead." Is it true? am I really dead? I never knew how peaceful it was to die you get a really tingly feeling. It tickles. I don't know how I am writing this when I am dead but I hope you take this story to heart and live your days wisely.

If you are wondering what I did between those days I was simply at school at the University because school is important!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

$ 10 000 000 Ticket

I am walking down the street...alone. It's not a good feeling being all alone and walking an empty street, you never know what could happen. I walk down main street because I feel most comfortable there. As I walk I am thinking to myself that it would be way better to be rich than be normal. You get to go to better parties, bigger house, all the presents you want, and you don't have to clean your room because you have a maid! I know some of these things sound very greedy but they really aren't if you think about it. It's just a point of view from one normal person. I am still walking down this road. I suddenly stop! Why do I stop? Because there is a lotto ticket on the ground worth 10 million! Finally all my dreams will come true! Finally a bigger bedroom that I don't have to share with my pest of a sister. I take the ticket and start running back home to tell my parents. As I am running I start thinking about more things I could buy. I am a very nice person so I think about the negative. What if I lose the ticket or my dog chewed it up. I would be very very mad. I'm sure the person that lost this is going crazy just looking for it.

I am now at my house calling for my mom to tell her the good news. She was in the kitchen that afternoon. I say to her "mom I found a 10 million ticket can we buy a new house?!" My mom looks at me strangely and says "well dear that's impossible who would leave a ticket on the ground worth 10 million?" "Maybe they dropped it oh well it's mine now!" I say starting to get mad at her because she didn't answer my question about the house. I'm not going to say all the conversation me and my mom had but I will say this....she did a guilt trip on me! It's not fair that moms always have to put guilt on your conscience. I walk up to my room thinking about the guilt trip and then tell her I want a good sleep before I call to tell my friends what I found.

Still a little tired I wake up to go eat breakfast. There was a stranger at the door that my mom was talking to. "Mom who is that? Is he one of your friends?" I ask Curious. "No dear he came to pick up that ticket you found." My head starts spinning and I am so mad. She knows I wanted to keep it, but how did he know where to find it? I ask my mom to go into the other room so we could talk for a minute. Apparently she put out flyers to say that we had the winning ticket. "Mom how do you know that is the person that lost it? It could just be a person that wants it." My mom has this wierd face on as if I had just called her stupid...I guess I did in a way. Oops. "Well when they come to the door I ask them what the winning numbers were and what was the date that was on it." My mom says trying to prove she's not at all stupid. I walk away still thinking to myself that this wasn't fair. I found the ticket I should be able to keep it. My mom closed the door and the stranger left. Why didn't she ask me for the ticket? Maybe it was the wrong guy. Probably. It is now 9 o' clock at night I am just settling into bed. I guess that wasn't the guy that had the ticket, just another hussler. I go to bed saying these things quietly "Not fair, Not fair Not fair!" I pause then start saying this "I guess I will wait till the real person that lost it comes to pick it up because I know it's the right thing to do. Mom's are always right."

Whispers Of The Wind

Imagine youself being followed by someone you never knew. Imagine crying youself to sleep because you hear a spooky noise and it won't go away. That has happened.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The New Me In a Different Light

Never Let Your Friends come over everyday because soon you aren't going to like them and you'll drift apart. You will be very mad at them when they say something and it turns out they will be the ones that get mad at you. I have learned this the long hard way. I moved from a place to here and it seems like some of my best friends hate me and I have no idea why. Well now I hate or Dislike them and they are being rude. It's not my fault I'm different and don't care what people think but now I do. Thanx for changing me I hate the new me. When you have absolute best best best friends on the computer they will say rude things online but be your best friend when you see them. I don't like that one bit. Take advice from someone that's been there don't be with your best friends everyday. It sucks!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I Walk The Streets

As I walk the streets of my hometown I start thinking to myself. Why do people say I'm always happy or that I am never sad. That's all lies. Everyday I put on a smile hoping to fool the people in front of me. It does work but it's not the real me. The real me is misery not happy, Depressed not bubbly. All these things aren't really what you see on the outside. Like many people say you can't judge a book by it's cover. So why judge a person if you don't really know what's on the inside? I am on my best friend's proch standing there hoping she won't see me. I start walking off the porch and onto the street. I'm not in the mood to hang out to pretend I'm laughing or pretend I wanna play a certain game because it is so much fun! I wanna sit in my room and think about old times. Like when every night I would wait for him to come over to my house so we could hang out. That doesn't seem to happen anymore. I remember we would always have cheese pizza...that doesn't happen anymore. Now that he is out of my life and gone everything is a mess! I know I should get therapy and maybe that will help but it won't help very much 'cause this will stay with me forever and haunt me always, until the day I die. I am home now sitting on my bed flipping through my pictures and I start to walk to the kitchen. I fall asleep on one of the chairs. When I woke up in the morning all I could see was my mom standing over someone's body...who is it? As I am walking towards her I start screaming and yelling "Mom who died!" She didn't answer me. I see it's a girl by her hair colour...My hair colour. She is wearing the same outfit I did last night before I went to bed. OMG It's me! The ambulance was here now and they found a knife under the kitchen table. It had blood all over it and I notice my body was leaking blood as I was trying to speak to my mother. All the ambulance people started rushing over to the body and my mom trying to get her away from me. What have I done? I have gotten rid of my pain, but starting new pain for someone else. I didn't want to do it. Obviously I did it in my sleep as a nightmare. Before I saw my mom with my body, when I woke up I was going to tell her the crazy dream about how I was reaching for a piece of cheese Pizza and I said "no not the pizza" Instead I reached for the knife and stabbed it into me. I could feel the pain but I guess it was just too much than my understanding. For once in my life I actually felt happy just killing myself. As soon as I did that all my worries went away and for once in my life in a long time I smiled. I thought it was just a crazy nightmare...obviously it was more. I hope my mom doesn't do the same stupid thing the way I did today. I don't want to have more people hurt than what I have cost. But sadly I am not responsible for my mothers actions.

I chose this message because I just think that some people are fake on the outside and are really different than what they seem they are like on the inside. It's not always that way though which is good. :) Oh and also this is not true. I would have to say this story would be a 5/5 in my opinion.

Slavery :'(

Take youself and go in a corner...how do you feel? Probably bored, sad you are all alone, and you are starting to think about thoughts or things you have done in your past. Some people have done that and they think about all the times they have been hurt or pressured to do something terrible. Some kids that were and still are slaves have to do something so hurtful all the time. You could just be working in the Cotton fields and see someone in front of you just die. They have died because they didnt have enough food or water. If it was someone you loved you would probably cry but the ways these kids could get hurt just from crying, really hurts me. Some kids have to be murderers because otherwise they would die. Some even have to kill their own family! That would scar you for life. When these kids are finally free...if they get free before they die, probably the first thing they would do when they found a place to stay was be thankful they didn't have to hurt anyone else and didn't have to work. They would go back to all their sad, sad memories and lie there, on their big comfy bed and just cry. They would now have a right to be able to cry, not like it was before. The older slaves when they got free....if they got free would probably die unless they got food, water, and shelter right away. Thankfully before they had died they would've known they were free and didn't have to hurt anymore people. The slaves wouldn't have to leave the ones they loved because they would soon meet them up in heaven. All these things happen to slaves and many people want to stop it. But none succeed. I am passing on this message to hopefully make it's way to someone else's heart the way it did to mine.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Never Did Realize

I never really realized how fast a person's life could end. It could be because you were into deep depression and killed youself. Or peacefully in your sleep. These things could happen any moment in your life and you can't stop it. When someone you know dies, a little part of you dies with the one you love. Like I said before it is nothing we can do. But I know that the one you love will always be in your heart so I should never worry. I should enjoy my life and live it the way it's supposed to be happy, exciting, and a simple walk through the park. Nothing harmful Nothing Serious just simple pleasure. :D

Terry Fox :)

Terry Fox is a hero to many of us. He only had one leg because he got cancer in his right leg, so he had to amputate that leg. Every morning Terry would wake up and then run more of the marathon. Sometimes I wish I could be as brave as Terry and be able to wake up and just start running a marathon. It takes a lot of courage to run a long way and then not be able to come back because you have died. Everything in your life can change day by day. You can lose everything you ever had or gain it all. It's really your choice how you want to live it but sometimes you dont have a choice when you die. Terry Fox had to stop in Thunder Bay because the cancer in his right leg has spread to his lungs and he died in Thunder Bay. Imagine how his family felt when they heard that he had died from cancer. It would be very shocking because everyone knew that he wanted to finish the race he had started. But he knows that he did extremely well. Take me for instance I could never run that far without stopping every once in a while. It would be very hard. Terry was very popular because of this race and his determination. He was a very courageous person. He had to run in very good weather and bad weather. He knew that he could stop but he wanted to finish this race in a descent place, not last. In my opinion I think Terry should have came in first place because it wasn't his fault that he had cancer and had to stop. He was determined to finish the race in any kind of condition he was in. Terry had ran 143 days, just think about how many kilometers that could be. I applaud his courage and determination. He has really made a difference in the world. He is my hero...Is he yours?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sorrow Of The Lost (Sad Anime Pictures)

As I sit on my couch flipping through the channels of the T.V. I think about all of the sad times I have had in my past. As I think about these things I realize that I have chosen a channel to watch. It is not a happy or funny channel but only sorrow and misery. I've tried to understand what I have done to deserve this pain, but I just can't seem to figure it out. I'm starting to get frustrated now. Was it because of all the crying I have done in my lifetime, or was it just meant to be that I am sad now? I finally decide to change the channel to think of better things, but it seems like every channel I turn to it causes me more sad thoughts of my past. I turned off the T.V. because I just couldn't take it anymore I had to get out of the house away from all this pain and away from the sad stories I have been watching on T.V. I decide to go for a walk but everything I see reminds me of my past. The moon reminds me of when I would sit underneath it with my one true love. But I know it wasn't meant to be that's why I'm hurting now. I don't see why it had to end. We were perfect. The trees, they remind me of when I was little I would always climb them but fall back down. My parents would always say "you don't have to climb the tree if you don't want to." but somehow I would never listen to them and keep going. Why have I been cursed like this to always turn back to my past?

I am walking on the path I used to with my parents. I remember I would always ask for a piggyback ride. They would always say "of course!" One time we were walking the same path I am now. They asked me if I wanted a piggyback ride and I would say I was too old for piggyback rides. I wish they were still here to say that once again so I could say "of course!" like they always did when I asked them. I know this pain will never go away just because of what happened. I wish I could have a new life to start all over. I realize that is just the answer to start a new life. I start walking to the old bridge my parents and I would look out over. I stand up on it thinking if I jumped off I could start a new life when I am reborn. But I soon start saying to myself "is this really the answer? Killing myself?" I get off of the bridge glad I havn't done it but still sad because those memories will always haunt me. But I will get over it, I just have to see the ones I love once again. I try finding the photo's of my parents and the rest of my family. It worked, it helped a lot. I'm happy now but still very sad. I know this pain will never really go away but I know the one's I love are still in my heart.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Like or Dislike Technology

The world does change. So why can't the way we write? Technology for me is an easier way to write because there is spellcheck, typing is much easier than writing, and you don't get hand cramps because you are writing too hard or too much. The thing with technology is you never know if it's going to break or have a meltdown, so thats why pen and paper in a way could be better. Think back 40 or even 75 years ago. They didn't have technology so you always had to write with a pen or paper or even stone! Wouldn't that be so hard? Just carving on a big block of stone. If you didnt have paper you could use just tree bark! The white tree bark is way better than brown though. We are thankful having technology, so we should be able to use technology for school purposes such as writing. To me technology is the best because like I said before it doesn't give you hand cramps! Isn't that awesome? Yes I know it is. I love technology!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Yay Almost Done!

I'm working on my Homework Now...I'm Almost done yay! Just got to keep at it I guess and just try to get as far as I can. It's not due till the end of the month anyway, but It's still nice to get it done early before trying to cram it in on just one night!

Got Another

Hey I got Another joke for you!

Joke: What did the Jonas Brothers say when they burnt their fingers?

Answer: Im burning Up!

Haha Awesome Joke

Ok I have one of my favourite jokes to tell!

Joke: How Do you make Lady Gaga cry?

Answer: Poker Face!