Monday, November 16, 2009

Almost to Cuba!

Part 1 (Real Story)

My first major trip in a plane! I was jumping around my seat waiting for the plane to land. I saw oceans pass me and lake's, houses, and every tree in between. I saved up all my money to buy suveniers and many other things like meraca's. "We are almost in Cuba" the pilot said. I stared out the window searching for the air port. Lemme tell you it is small! But very big for them. Slowly we got out of the plane but we couldn't find our luggage. About 2 minutes later, we found our luggage right in front of our faces. Talk about blind side. Haha. My parents asked me why I was smiling very big. Obviously it was because I was in Cuba! We went to our room. I jumped and landed on our bed and started writing in my journal about the fun times I was having.

My mom went out for a walk to see what we could do and I decided to go with her. There are a lot of things you can do in Cuba lemme tell you. I was trying to count all of the things but couldn't. We decided we wanted to change rooms so we went to the person at the main desk thingy. She said there were only a couple. We picked the nicest one of course. It was right beside the pool and burger bar. Yummy. This was a nice view.

"I am soo tired" I said with a yawn. Of course my mom had this look she always does when she is trying to prove a point. "Then go to bed, you can always do more things tomorrow" Confused mom said.

"YAAWWWNN, What's for breakfast?" I was desperately hungry. "Well we have to go to the main place and you can pick what they serve. They serve many things." My daddy said.

I wanted to suntan. So I went to the beach. It was a very pretty beach and the waves were big. My bathing suit was soaking when I came out of the pool. "Well my as well suntan now that I'm soaked" I Mischieviously said. I ran along the beach while my parents were watching me because I was 9 so what would a 9 year old do? They could do A LOT! "Ohh What is that?!" I questioned to my mom. I was pointing at a boat that was in the air. Skipping along the beach as fast as I could, with my parents behind me being very slow, we went by the sign that talked about the fees.

"Please, Please, Please!" I used my manners as well as I could so I could go on that boat. "Well..." My mom tried to negotiate with my dad. "It would be an exciting thing for her to experience" I know that voice she was going to let me go! "YAYY" I screamed Excitingly.

"Would you like to go on miss?" said the dude that controlled the boat. He called me Miss haha. I felt so professional getting all my gear on and getting on the flying boat. As we were going up into the air it felt like my stomach was going down instead of up. Vice versa when we were going down. Great Experience.

That same day I met one of my best friends Katie. She is from England. (ACTUALLY HAPPENED) -> My dad taught Cubans Yahtzee! He would play it everyday with the Cubans that worked there and now they are best friends! Still are! Me and Katie would always swim together in one of the best pools/ Burger bar! She is a true friend. We switched emails and we email each other constantly!

Sadly we are now leaving. Packed up our luggage and grabbed the hotel room key. Looked at the pool one last time and Sighed "I'll be back don't worry, Best trip ever!"

Part 2 (Non real story)

"Noo!" I don't want to go right now! It's still dark outside and it's not even 1 pm in the afternoon yet, that's when I get up!" Slumping into the car very grumpy dragging my stuff behind me, slumped onto the seat with an "Oof!". Getting to Alberta and waiting for the plane was so boring. Why did it have to be me? Sure it's Cuba but whatever I can go some other time. Finally the plane was here! Good thing my suitcase had wheels because otherwise it would be dirty from all the dragging. On a plane for 2 hours. Colouring in a stupid little kid colouring book. Frustrated because I couldn't concentrate with the stupid plane movie they always have. I kept colouring out of the lines. I'm a very good colour er so I'm not used to getting out of the lines. "We are now about to stop in Cuba" The Pilot screamed into the mike. "Ugh don't make me get out of the plane I was just about asleep."

We made it finally. The airport was so tiny though. This could be my closet well not really because my closet is way bigger than this place. We couldn't find our luggage it made me really mad. It was so slow it could be from the mail box. Talk about "Snail Mail"

Later that same day my mom was about to go for a walk. She asked if I wanted to go but I was pretending I was asleep so I wouldn't have to. Who would want to go out right now its 3 in the Afternoon time to get my sleep since I wasn't able to sleep in till 1.

We were all sitting down on the couch and then I heard "Grab a newspaper!" There was a cockroach on the floor! "Eww gross, I ain't touchin that!" I said scared. It was moving so quickly. I couldn't stand staying in the same room as that cockroach even though it was squashed. I rushed out of my room ready to complain to the office. My parents came with me so we could change rooms. I wasn't allowed to complain according to my dad so I just stood there with a mad face. We got our room but the only thing good about it was the pool. This room looked almost exactly like the last room without the cockroach.

"What's for breakfast?" I said angrily because my stomach was rumbling. "I'm not sure dear whatever they have cooked for us at the big dining place." Mom said wondering what has gotten into me. "Don't dear me! I'm hungry and want food!" I could tell my mom was getting angry with my attitude but I didn't really care. I was very bored so I sat on my bed with a grumpy face. My mom could somehow tell I was bored so she suggested I go suntan. "I don't want to suntan" "Well then go get fresh air anyway do whatever you want OUTSIDE" "Erg fine I guess I will!" I stormed out of the room with a towel to lay on the sandy beach. It had white sand. I think that was the best part of my trip. I was being quiet lying on my towel and reading a book. I had nothing better to do. I got a cold shiver and realized there was a shadow over me. I looked up really angry now because I was getting cold. Turns out it was a flying boat. My parents walked over and told me we should go check it out

I stormed through the sand spilling sand all over any person I walked by. "I don't want to go see it. It'll be boring!" My dad simply told me, "You will love it, it will be a great experience." "Fine whatever." My parents paid the man to let me go on the boat. He got me all geared up and plopped me on the plane. I didn't feel comfortable being with a man I don't know, and him taking me on a flying plane that could crash down into the water, Plummeting me to my sudden death! When we got in the air I was fine. I actually started enjoying myself. But when we stopped my smile went away because I noticed they were holding a camera. I love getting my picture's taken because I am very photogenic but since I didn't want to go on this boat, I didn't want any pictures.

I was extremely tired now because I haven't been getting my original sleep I would normally be getting. I went to sleep for a crazy next day.

I went outside around 12 noon to go for a swim. I met this girl named Katie. Turns out she lives in England. Pssshhh England sucks! We switched emails but there is no point it's not like I'm going to email her. My dad played this game with the Cubans. The game is called Yahtzee. Apparently the Cubans have never played Yahtzee so it was new to them. Oh well! I don't care about that either.

We are now leaving...YES! I AM FREE FROM THIS PLACE! WE packed up all our luggage and grabbed the hotel room key. I looked at the pool one last time and screamed "I HATE THIS PLACE IT'S BORING, I'M NEVER COMING BACK!"


  1. I like how much description in your paragraph and how you really brought the moods to life. One thing that could have been better is if you made it more exciting.

  2. Your paragraph was really good and I liked how you put lots of descripton in it!
