Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tatertott Love Story

Guess what! My name is Loretta Gold but my friends call me TaterTott. I know it's a very wierd nickname but I got it at one of the best places ever imagined.

I was sitting in the dining room waiting for some service with my friends. We were in a latin restaurant and of course there was a latin waiter. If you were there at the time you would have seen us fiddling with our hair, and doing our make-up, and all the things you could have imagined would be wrong with a girl. As the latin waiter approached us he said these words and I quote "Hi I am Kintago Siesta and I will be serving you today" We told him that we needed just another minute to get what we want planned out. As he left we starting giggling about what we have to say next and what we have to order to make us not look like pigs. We normally order 3 pieces of french toast, along side some salad, and a jumbo sprite for us to share. Yes they do have french toast at a latin restaurant. Anyway getting back...He came back and asked us what we would like to order. We didn't want to be pigs so we just said tatertotts. Well my friends did anyway. The only thing that could come out of my mouth were...tatertoots...It was humiliating and when I tried again I would say tapertotts. I just didn't have the right mind to say tatertotts. It's funny because before when I was just with my friends I could say it fine. But as soon as Kintago came the world came crashing down. Yay! (Sarcasm)

I sat at home with a few of my girlfriends and we were talking about what happened to me earlier. Why did it have to be me. Have you ever noticed that in a world when you hope something won't happen to you it always does, Except the occasional time when things don't happen to you. I wish it was that time. We talked about how spicy we think Kintago was and what would happen if we asked him out. Does he have a girlfriend? Is he looking for marriage? I need to know these things! We were talking the whole night about him, because my friends slept over.

The next day we wanted breakfast but we didn't feel like cooking. We couldn't think of any closer restaurant than the Latin one. So we went back. My girlfriends literally had to drag me out the door. I couldn't face him and by him I mean Kintago. He probably thinks I'm a maniac! We sat down at a different table this time so Kintago couldn't serve us. Lucky for us he changed his serving plans and is now serving or table and a few others. We once again ordered tatertotts and the only thing I could think of was "don't mess up, don't mess up!" So when I ordered I said "Could I just have some tatertotts?" The words that came out of his mouth were so beautiful that only his accent could compliment it "sure thing, I'll be right back." YES! I DIDN'T MESS UP! I started doing my happy dance "du du du du du du!" I sang...Sadly I sang and danced my happy dance all over Kintago and sure enough I found out the service was super fast at 10 in the morning. I saw my tatertotts all over him. Another time tatertotts have completely embarrased me. I booked it out of the restaurant with a very quiet sorry and ran all the way to my house. My friends came over later that day because they ate at the restaurant.

I couldn't stand going back to that restaurant unless I knew Kintago wasn't serving me...But I really wanted their milkshakes. So I decided to go back but put a menu in my face so he couldn't see me if he was serving me. Thankfully he wasn't serving me. This other guy came up to me and handed me a sticky note and left. It had a number on it, but who's was it? Was it his? When he came back I asked him who's it was. He turned his head and pointed in Kintago's direction. I was confused "I don't see him, is he behind Kintago?" Finally the waiter stopped keeping his mouth shut and actually told me who's it was. KINTAGO! I screamed and ran out the restaurant calling my friends on Speed dial. We were talking so fast it was like hampsters on helium.

I called Kintago the next day and he actually asked me out. Who in the right mind would ask me out? KINTAGO WOULD! He asked me if I wanted to go to the fair with him. Of course I said yes because who wouldn't to that beautiful accent.

It has been 9 months and 2 weeks and we are still going out but sadly.....He calls me tatertott. Obvious reasons.

Time has passed and still I'm tatertott but you know what I'm okay with it because 1 that is a cute nickname and 2 the nickname stands for a funny story. A story I will tell my kids, and their kids will tell their kids. etc. You have heard my story and hopefully you look at your nickname in a positive way. Just like I had to in order to live with my boyfriend :)

1 comment:

  1. i like how u turned a a negtive part pf the sory to a posite story like when you said
    You have heard my story and hopefully you look at your nickname in a positive way. Just like I had to in order to live with my boyfriend :) Great story
