Thursday, October 15, 2009

Samuri Scaredy Student! :)

Konnichiwa, this is Samuri Scaredy Student and this is my story about how I (scaredy student) turned into a Samuri!

As I sauntered along the row of cars in the parking lot searching for my car, I am thinking about the shopping spree I just had. As I am thinking about these things I get to my car. There is a strange man leaning against the car next to mine. He wore really rundown clothes and was holding a can. I figured he was just waiting for me to back out of the parking lot. But I was wrong, Boy was I wrong. It was the starting of my living nightmare or could it have been the best possible thing that could ever happen to me? You won't know until the end. He asked me to donate some money to him for clothes and other utilities but all I could declare was "No, Not right now thanks. You may have never heard about hobo's being a fear, but they are my fear. Strange isn't it? Anyway back to the story.

I was at my house lonesome on my bed watching T.V. I got up to go brush my teeth, and when I spat out the toothpaste I wanted to look in the mirror to see my pearly white teeth. If you were in my house at that time you would've heard a massive scream. When I looked in the mirror he was there! HOBO ATTACK! I bolted out of my house running down the street screaming my head off, I look behind me and I swear there were 5 hobo's running after me! I also saw many of my neighbors looking very tired. I didn't understand why they didn't call the cops. Maybe it was because they thought it was some wierd games and that we were trying to prank them. Some of them might have been too tired to understand what was going on. I look back again and they were all holding a baseball bat and they started laughing really frightening laughs. I look ahead as I cross the street and to make sure I lost them I look back a final time. I stop! Nothing or no one was following me anymore.

I start walking back home thinking they went back to their house. I was right they left! I got in my house, changed into my P.J.'s and headed to bed for another very crazy day. I seriously swear I woke up in the middle of the night to see a hobo at the end of my bed. I shut my eyes then opened them and he was gone. I went back to bed hoping I wouldn't have another encounter with the hobo. When I woke up in the morning everything was the same. I was going to go for a walk but I was scared the hobo and his friends would chase me again. I finally decided I would go for a walk because I wanted the fresh air. Also it was extremely sunny outside, and I couldn't pass up a good day like that. When I went for this walk no one was following me, I was so happy to know I was safe... for now.

I went to work and talked to my best friend Miranda. She said she loved the movie that's called "The Hobo Stalker" I was surprised. Was it just a dream? I bet it's a dream because would 5 hobos seriously follow me with baseball bats down the street? I highly doubt it.

When work was over I started walking home. Oh and if you don't know my car is fine I just felt like walking today for no reason. When I got to the bus stop the hobo was there. It wasn't a dream because I pinched myself to find out. I went up to the hobo and he was holding coffee. I suddenly bumped into him and I spilt it all over him. As soon as I knew it I started to fight him! That is when I found out I was Samuri Scaredy Student. If you were there at the time you would see me doing like wrestling moves. I DON'T EVEN LIKE WRESTLING! It surprised me to find out I could do all these actions. After he was on the ground, He wasn't that hurt don't worry, I started walking away. I felt so much better that it felt like I was over hobos. I finally was over hobo's now that I'm Samuri S.S. Now I could finally walk in peace not worrying about a hobo asking me for money because, Samuri Scaredy Student now knows how to defeat all of her fears.

It didn't feel right just leaving him on the ground so I went to help him up and said sorry. As I was walking he had a really scared look on his face, just like the one I had when they were chasing me. I told him not to worry and that I was actually a very nice person. We started talking and he told me how he became a hobo. Apparently it was because his wife had left him and she took his kids and most of his money with her. I told him how sorry I was and that I was actually scared of hobo's, well before I became Samuri Scaredy Student. He also told me that I dropped my wallet so that's why he was chasing me. But he said that there wasn't 5 hobo 's. Only him. He told me that it was probably just a hallucination. Since my apology wouldn't be enough I told him he could stay in my garage well until he has a job and everything he needs to live on his own. Although he has to live in my Garage because even though I'm Samuri Scaredy Student doesn't mean I still can't be a little afraid of hobos.

The Next day my schedule changed a lot since I am Samuri Scaredy Student. I was no longer afraid of taking walks numerous times a day. Even though I was scared of Hobo's, After Tim got all cleaned up he actually looked very nice. Tim Tradder is the hobo. I became very good friends with Tim. We actually had a lot in common. I don't even know why his wife left him he is very attractive. Who knows maybe Samuri Scaredy Student will one day be Mrs. Samuri Scaredy Student Tradder. :) Time will take it's course the way it's supposed to. Hopefully Samuri Scaredy Student doesn't run into any other fears because otherwise that fear could get hurt. We all have a fear. It may be a fear of Pickles, or a Vemonous Spider, we all have them. My fear just happened to be Hobo's but I got over that fear and how did I get over that fear? BY BECOMING SAMURI SCAREDY STUDENT!

P.S. This story has never happened all though I am actually afraid of hobos. If I could get super powers to become a Samuri I would love that! But for now I am just a middle schooler. Getting A's and learning a new thing everyday. Also getting a new fear somehow every week.


  1. I like how your ideas were creative and funny and how you used paragraphs.
    You could of told the readers how Scaredy Student beacame afraid of hobos.

  2. i like how you dicride things like when you said i looked in themioor and saw a hobo if you im my house you would have heard a massive scream.
