Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Awesome, Exciting, Fantastic Day Invisible

Invisibility one word-AWESOME. I went into my school earlier that day with confidence. Before I talk about how the school part of my day went, I should tell you how I got invisible.

I woke up in the morning with a mom's scream she kept saying "where are you, where are you?!" I always said "right here mom" she looked around the room but saw nothing. I got up went to my mirror and saw that no one was there, I grabbed a pillow and saw that there was just a floating pillow in the reflection. I went to my mother holding the pillow up right in front of her and all she could say was "your invisible!" I told her this "Yes I know it's awesome!"

I went to school in my P.J's because as you know, no one could see me. I don't exactly know why I was invisible... I guess it was just faith. When I got into the school I kept bumping into people and when they turned around they only saw air. I went to my homeroom teacher Mr. Hayhurst and he put me as absent, I wasn't absent he just couldn't see me so I simply changed it to "on time" I did that with my other teachers also. I was still in Mr. Hayhurst's class tipping all the chairs off the desks. Everyone kept screaming "GHOST, GHOST, GHOST!" I started laughing because they couldn't see me I could do whatever I wanted. I got some hair gel that I found on one of the desks. I didn't really know who's it was but I grabbed the bottle, put a big glob on my hand and everyone I passed I would stick up their hair like devil horns. Time passed and the whole time I was laughing, I had the power to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Life was good that day until... I passed this girl in the hallway that I absolutely hate (strongly dislike) because she always picks on me. I decided to have a little fun with her. I grabbed that gel bottle and squeezed all the gel onto her clothes and then put some in her hair and then put the bottle in her hand so it would look like she did it herself. Her best friends started laughing. That just made her even more mad her face was turning red. She screamed and then headed for the bathroom. She came out with a new set of clothes and she still looked gorgeous, I just did the same thing to her. I know it sounds mean but I will wash her clothes for her, I'm not that mean. Actually that part was good it was funny nothing totally bad happened. Except she got soked in gel!

The day passed slowly but very fun. I had a little fun with everyone I saw. Even if it was simply just moving their stuff when they where grabbing it or changing their hairstyles for them. I had a very fun time.

When I got picked up at the end of the day I went shopping. I didn't shoplift or anything like that because I'm not that kind of person...Or am I? After I went shopping I got home called all my friends asked them how school was and waited for them to explain their day. It was a real funny conversation. I went to bed hoping for another fun day but when I woke up I was normal. It wasn't fair! I wasn't invisible! I guess if you could be invisible you would only want it for a day maybe that's the rule for invisibility. I went to school and heard all the stories and my friends babbling I told them I didn't need to hear it because I lived it. They didn't understand but when it looked like they figured it out I ran up the stairs and went beside a teacher so they couldn't "friend hurt me." The invisible day was fun but It wouldn't last forever. That's something I knew for sure so I had to live my day the way I always wanted. Oh ya! I forgot to tell you I took pictures of my fun day and my worst enemy to put in a scrapbook. That's what
I did when I got home.

I know you want to hear more. But you can't! Mwa ha ha ha. I'm evil! Check out my next story to hear more awesome, crazy, stories!

P.S. This story was not real, and I didn't actually do all those things, I don't have an enemy...Or do I? There is no way I could be invisible and go to school unless I made my awesome juice that tastes like pineapple...Here's a hint: There is only a dash of pineapple juice the rest is a secret! =)

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