Tuesday, October 6, 2009

$ 10 000 000 Ticket

I am walking down the street...alone. It's not a good feeling being all alone and walking an empty street, you never know what could happen. I walk down main street because I feel most comfortable there. As I walk I am thinking to myself that it would be way better to be rich than be normal. You get to go to better parties, bigger house, all the presents you want, and you don't have to clean your room because you have a maid! I know some of these things sound very greedy but they really aren't if you think about it. It's just a point of view from one normal person. I am still walking down this road. I suddenly stop! Why do I stop? Because there is a lotto ticket on the ground worth 10 million! Finally all my dreams will come true! Finally a bigger bedroom that I don't have to share with my pest of a sister. I take the ticket and start running back home to tell my parents. As I am running I start thinking about more things I could buy. I am a very nice person so I think about the negative. What if I lose the ticket or my dog chewed it up. I would be very very mad. I'm sure the person that lost this is going crazy just looking for it.

I am now at my house calling for my mom to tell her the good news. She was in the kitchen that afternoon. I say to her "mom I found a 10 million ticket can we buy a new house?!" My mom looks at me strangely and says "well dear that's impossible who would leave a ticket on the ground worth 10 million?" "Maybe they dropped it oh well it's mine now!" I say starting to get mad at her because she didn't answer my question about the house. I'm not going to say all the conversation me and my mom had but I will say this....she did a guilt trip on me! It's not fair that moms always have to put guilt on your conscience. I walk up to my room thinking about the guilt trip and then tell her I want a good sleep before I call to tell my friends what I found.

Still a little tired I wake up to go eat breakfast. There was a stranger at the door that my mom was talking to. "Mom who is that? Is he one of your friends?" I ask Curious. "No dear he came to pick up that ticket you found." My head starts spinning and I am so mad. She knows I wanted to keep it, but how did he know where to find it? I ask my mom to go into the other room so we could talk for a minute. Apparently she put out flyers to say that we had the winning ticket. "Mom how do you know that is the person that lost it? It could just be a person that wants it." My mom has this wierd face on as if I had just called her stupid...I guess I did in a way. Oops. "Well when they come to the door I ask them what the winning numbers were and what was the date that was on it." My mom says trying to prove she's not at all stupid. I walk away still thinking to myself that this wasn't fair. I found the ticket I should be able to keep it. My mom closed the door and the stranger left. Why didn't she ask me for the ticket? Maybe it was the wrong guy. Probably. It is now 9 o' clock at night I am just settling into bed. I guess that wasn't the guy that had the ticket, just another hussler. I go to bed saying these things quietly "Not fair, Not fair Not fair!" I pause then start saying this "I guess I will wait till the real person that lost it comes to pick it up because I know it's the right thing to do. Mom's are always right."

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