Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I Walk The Streets

As I walk the streets of my hometown I start thinking to myself. Why do people say I'm always happy or that I am never sad. That's all lies. Everyday I put on a smile hoping to fool the people in front of me. It does work but it's not the real me. The real me is misery not happy, Depressed not bubbly. All these things aren't really what you see on the outside. Like many people say you can't judge a book by it's cover. So why judge a person if you don't really know what's on the inside? I am on my best friend's proch standing there hoping she won't see me. I start walking off the porch and onto the street. I'm not in the mood to hang out to pretend I'm laughing or pretend I wanna play a certain game because it is so much fun! I wanna sit in my room and think about old times. Like when every night I would wait for him to come over to my house so we could hang out. That doesn't seem to happen anymore. I remember we would always have cheese pizza...that doesn't happen anymore. Now that he is out of my life and gone everything is a mess! I know I should get therapy and maybe that will help but it won't help very much 'cause this will stay with me forever and haunt me always, until the day I die. I am home now sitting on my bed flipping through my pictures and I start to walk to the kitchen. I fall asleep on one of the chairs. When I woke up in the morning all I could see was my mom standing over someone's body...who is it? As I am walking towards her I start screaming and yelling "Mom who died!" She didn't answer me. I see it's a girl by her hair colour...My hair colour. She is wearing the same outfit I did last night before I went to bed. OMG It's me! The ambulance was here now and they found a knife under the kitchen table. It had blood all over it and I notice my body was leaking blood as I was trying to speak to my mother. All the ambulance people started rushing over to the body and my mom trying to get her away from me. What have I done? I have gotten rid of my pain, but starting new pain for someone else. I didn't want to do it. Obviously I did it in my sleep as a nightmare. Before I saw my mom with my body, when I woke up I was going to tell her the crazy dream about how I was reaching for a piece of cheese Pizza and I said "no not the pizza" Instead I reached for the knife and stabbed it into me. I could feel the pain but I guess it was just too much than my understanding. For once in my life I actually felt happy just killing myself. As soon as I did that all my worries went away and for once in my life in a long time I smiled. I thought it was just a crazy nightmare...obviously it was more. I hope my mom doesn't do the same stupid thing the way I did today. I don't want to have more people hurt than what I have cost. But sadly I am not responsible for my mothers actions.

I chose this message because I just think that some people are fake on the outside and are really different than what they seem they are like on the inside. It's not always that way though which is good. :) Oh and also this is not true. I would have to say this story would be a 5/5 in my opinion.

Slavery :'(

Take youself and go in a do you feel? Probably bored, sad you are all alone, and you are starting to think about thoughts or things you have done in your past. Some people have done that and they think about all the times they have been hurt or pressured to do something terrible. Some kids that were and still are slaves have to do something so hurtful all the time. You could just be working in the Cotton fields and see someone in front of you just die. They have died because they didnt have enough food or water. If it was someone you loved you would probably cry but the ways these kids could get hurt just from crying, really hurts me. Some kids have to be murderers because otherwise they would die. Some even have to kill their own family! That would scar you for life. When these kids are finally free...if they get free before they die, probably the first thing they would do when they found a place to stay was be thankful they didn't have to hurt anyone else and didn't have to work. They would go back to all their sad, sad memories and lie there, on their big comfy bed and just cry. They would now have a right to be able to cry, not like it was before. The older slaves when they got free....if they got free would probably die unless they got food, water, and shelter right away. Thankfully before they had died they would've known they were free and didn't have to hurt anymore people. The slaves wouldn't have to leave the ones they loved because they would soon meet them up in heaven. All these things happen to slaves and many people want to stop it. But none succeed. I am passing on this message to hopefully make it's way to someone else's heart the way it did to mine.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Never Did Realize

I never really realized how fast a person's life could end. It could be because you were into deep depression and killed youself. Or peacefully in your sleep. These things could happen any moment in your life and you can't stop it. When someone you know dies, a little part of you dies with the one you love. Like I said before it is nothing we can do. But I know that the one you love will always be in your heart so I should never worry. I should enjoy my life and live it the way it's supposed to be happy, exciting, and a simple walk through the park. Nothing harmful Nothing Serious just simple pleasure. :D

Terry Fox :)

Terry Fox is a hero to many of us. He only had one leg because he got cancer in his right leg, so he had to amputate that leg. Every morning Terry would wake up and then run more of the marathon. Sometimes I wish I could be as brave as Terry and be able to wake up and just start running a marathon. It takes a lot of courage to run a long way and then not be able to come back because you have died. Everything in your life can change day by day. You can lose everything you ever had or gain it all. It's really your choice how you want to live it but sometimes you dont have a choice when you die. Terry Fox had to stop in Thunder Bay because the cancer in his right leg has spread to his lungs and he died in Thunder Bay. Imagine how his family felt when they heard that he had died from cancer. It would be very shocking because everyone knew that he wanted to finish the race he had started. But he knows that he did extremely well. Take me for instance I could never run that far without stopping every once in a while. It would be very hard. Terry was very popular because of this race and his determination. He was a very courageous person. He had to run in very good weather and bad weather. He knew that he could stop but he wanted to finish this race in a descent place, not last. In my opinion I think Terry should have came in first place because it wasn't his fault that he had cancer and had to stop. He was determined to finish the race in any kind of condition he was in. Terry had ran 143 days, just think about how many kilometers that could be. I applaud his courage and determination. He has really made a difference in the world. He is my hero...Is he yours?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sorrow Of The Lost (Sad Anime Pictures)

As I sit on my couch flipping through the channels of the T.V. I think about all of the sad times I have had in my past. As I think about these things I realize that I have chosen a channel to watch. It is not a happy or funny channel but only sorrow and misery. I've tried to understand what I have done to deserve this pain, but I just can't seem to figure it out. I'm starting to get frustrated now. Was it because of all the crying I have done in my lifetime, or was it just meant to be that I am sad now? I finally decide to change the channel to think of better things, but it seems like every channel I turn to it causes me more sad thoughts of my past. I turned off the T.V. because I just couldn't take it anymore I had to get out of the house away from all this pain and away from the sad stories I have been watching on T.V. I decide to go for a walk but everything I see reminds me of my past. The moon reminds me of when I would sit underneath it with my one true love. But I know it wasn't meant to be that's why I'm hurting now. I don't see why it had to end. We were perfect. The trees, they remind me of when I was little I would always climb them but fall back down. My parents would always say "you don't have to climb the tree if you don't want to." but somehow I would never listen to them and keep going. Why have I been cursed like this to always turn back to my past?

I am walking on the path I used to with my parents. I remember I would always ask for a piggyback ride. They would always say "of course!" One time we were walking the same path I am now. They asked me if I wanted a piggyback ride and I would say I was too old for piggyback rides. I wish they were still here to say that once again so I could say "of course!" like they always did when I asked them. I know this pain will never go away just because of what happened. I wish I could have a new life to start all over. I realize that is just the answer to start a new life. I start walking to the old bridge my parents and I would look out over. I stand up on it thinking if I jumped off I could start a new life when I am reborn. But I soon start saying to myself "is this really the answer? Killing myself?" I get off of the bridge glad I havn't done it but still sad because those memories will always haunt me. But I will get over it, I just have to see the ones I love once again. I try finding the photo's of my parents and the rest of my family. It worked, it helped a lot. I'm happy now but still very sad. I know this pain will never really go away but I know the one's I love are still in my heart.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Like or Dislike Technology

The world does change. So why can't the way we write? Technology for me is an easier way to write because there is spellcheck, typing is much easier than writing, and you don't get hand cramps because you are writing too hard or too much. The thing with technology is you never know if it's going to break or have a meltdown, so thats why pen and paper in a way could be better. Think back 40 or even 75 years ago. They didn't have technology so you always had to write with a pen or paper or even stone! Wouldn't that be so hard? Just carving on a big block of stone. If you didnt have paper you could use just tree bark! The white tree bark is way better than brown though. We are thankful having technology, so we should be able to use technology for school purposes such as writing. To me technology is the best because like I said before it doesn't give you hand cramps! Isn't that awesome? Yes I know it is. I love technology!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Yay Almost Done!

I'm working on my Homework Now...I'm Almost done yay! Just got to keep at it I guess and just try to get as far as I can. It's not due till the end of the month anyway, but It's still nice to get it done early before trying to cram it in on just one night!

Got Another

Hey I got Another joke for you!

Joke: What did the Jonas Brothers say when they burnt their fingers?

Answer: Im burning Up!

Haha Awesome Joke

Ok I have one of my favourite jokes to tell!

Joke: How Do you make Lady Gaga cry?

Answer: Poker Face!