Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Pickles!"

I sit in my desk staring blankly out the window. I noticed the clouds were pure white, and the sky pure blue. As I was sitting there, something caught my eye. A big pickle laying so still on the window sill. What had it been doing there? I do not know. Had someone put it there? No Idea. However it got there, it still looked shiny and lots of pickle juice was in it. I go to grab a napkin to put the pickle in the garbage, but as I was picking the pickle up I heard a voice. The voice was saying "Teenage mutant ninja pickles" Where did the voice come from? It was like it appeared from somewhere, maybe it was just one of my friends, or maybe a hallucination. It was kind of freaky if you ask me. The voice seemed to be getting louder and louder as I got closer to the garbage can. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Pickles!" "TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA PICKLES" I stopped for a moment wondering if this was all just a dream, I pinched myself. "Ouch" I screamed. Turns out it wasn't a dream. I slowly walked closer and closer and closer to the garbage can. "TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA PICKLES!" "OH JUST LOOK AT THE NAPKIN!" The voice roared. I stared at the napkin so bamboozled. The pickle I once thought got to the sill by a person, Had a face!

As strange as It my seem, I was not making this up, even ask my four best friends, Michelpickalo, Pikhael, Donapickle, And Pickle-Ardo. Anyway back to the story.

So I'm standing there stunned as I've ever been. Looking at a pickle, with-a-face! I wrap him back in the napkin so he didn't get me in trouble. Walked quickly to my desk and put him in my backpack in a safe place so he doesn't get hurt. 12:00 it's lunchtime. I gather all my best friends, sit them in a small circle and take out the pickle. Unwrap the napkin, and there he is. He must of had a nap or something because his eyes, were barely open. "Man how long was that?! I have to get back to my crime fighting! I'm on a mission here!" The tired pickle nagged. My friends sat there stunned even more than I was, I guess they didn't believe me before I showed them. After two more classes, of school. It was over.

Instead of walking, I ran to my house. So Excited I had a pickle as my friend. Got home ran to my room and sat there talking with the pickle. "What is your name? I never seemed to get it" I asked curious. "Michelpickalo" He answered with a sigh. I didn't understand why he didn't look happy."Nothing to be ashamed of, It's just a name" I explained. "That's not why I'm sad. The reason is...I was sent here by my master, Master Pickler. He told me that cucumbers have started taking our place in the crime business, and we need to stop it. We have to use all of our gadgets to get rid of the cucumbers and turn them to pickles, to join our army to defeat evil. We have to do whatever it takes to complete this mission, since you almost threw me away I had to get rid of my identity even though I wasn't supposed to. I'm not even supposed to be talking to you about this mission and my master." He explained with sadness. "So are you working alone? Because that is not safe, your just a pickle. Anyone could eat you at any time." "Yes I know, and No I am not working alone I have three brothers: Pikhael, Donapickle, and Pickle-Ardo." "Okay...So where did you come from?" "I was made by the Pickle Man, Which got his cucumbers from the town Pickle." "Well that's an odd sounding name for a town..." "Yes, because only we know about it and it's far far away from here." I asked many of those questions all night, finally we went to sleep. I thought of another question while I was lying in bed, Michelpickalo was already asleep in his Kleenex box bed I made him.

The next day in the morning I was able to ask my question "How long have you been doing this" Curiosity took over me. "Ever since I was born, when I was in the pickle jar my master was teaching me Pickle-Fu" He explained ever so generously.

In the afternoon I met Michelpickalo's brothers. They are very nice pickles even though they fight crime. They showed me the moves they learnt from their master. Turns out when they spin juice flys. The point of that is, it could get in your eyes and blind you. It's so awesome! Since it was Friday, I was able to do many things I wanted to without worrying when I should go to bed. I stayed up fairly late because I was chatting with Michelpickalo about his moves. I asked if he could teach me what he them, but he said Saturday.

Saturday afternoon I woke up. It was about 1:00 in the afternoon. Michelpickalo showed me some of his moves, like a kick flip, poking someone without actually touching them, showed me how he uses his telepathic powers....Now that one takes some skill to fail, because apparently it's very easy. I failed all of them because I wasn't trained for a long time.

This was how everyday was after school. Showing me the crime fighting moves and trying to get better at them. Me and my pet pickle's four ninja brothers are now as tight as the headbands on their heads...And they're pretty tight!

We now fight crime, bullies, and people who don't enjoy pickles! Hopefully you enjoy pickles otherwise...WE'LL FIND YOU! Either from the phonebook, schools, or other ways you don't want to know.

"Forever long live the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Pickles!" I said with excitement.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Talking bout school. :/

6:45 every morning, my Mother wakes me. I got tired of my annoying alarm clock. I like being wakened softly, so I'm not startled. First thing I do is have a shower, eat my breakfast, and watch some TV. Simple eh? Yeah one would think, but lets read on. Once I'm done eating, I go to my room to pick out my outfit for school. It takes miraculous tries to find the perfect outfit for that school day. Keeping a stylish image is one thing many of the kids at middle school look for. You have to be pretty or you won't fit in very much. Next thing I know, I'm getting rushed so we can leave a little Earlier to go to my friends', and work.

When I get to my friends' we start walking to school. Taking a deep breath we enter through the doors. If only this generation didn't have clicks. There are all these little circles with kids talking. They are everywhere you go, it's like trying to make yourself move through a maze that happens to involve looks, and stares. When you start walking to your classroom everyone starts talking to their friends again. They will either be talking about you, what your wearing, and/or gossiping about the newest relationship or couple. It's not easy living in this thing we call society.

It's only 8:45 in the morning. School starts at 9:00. As I'm walking to my locker, I see some kids teasing another kid. I didn't think he thought it was very funny, because of the way his faced looked. To me that's a kind of bullying but I may be wrong. I think I passed about 19 iPod touches, 21 cell phones, and 2 Dsi' on the way. If you don't have any of those things, you feel left out...well I did. All my friends were texting and listening to music at the same time, and that was when I didn't have a cell phone or a touch. I felt so very left out. Finally I got both those things and I wasn't out of it anymore. I don't feel the need to get a Dsi since I have a touch and a cell phone.

9:00 am. My first class of the day is normally hard, since it's the first class of course. The great thing is, I Love the class I had that day. English Writing! I only like 6 out of 8 classes, that I get. The reason is, the other two classes I seem to have a harder time in and they aren't my favourite classes. But I weirdly happen to do fairly good in them. One thing that really bites at me is when teachers all of a sudden bring out a pop quiz. The reason is, I like to be prepared for my tests and be able to go over the knowledge I have learned.

You may not believe this but, this generation we use laptops instead of paper and pencils! That's right laptops! Laptops are easier for searching things because you have google, and your hand won't cramp up! I believe I am a very good typer and a very good writer, but I think laptops take less time to put your thoughts out. I know school helps our education, and to help us prepare for our careers, but writing things out on paper doesn't always help, the way laptops do. Laptops teach you where your fingers are supposed to go, so when you are older you will know what to do if you have to use a computer. You will find out what search engines there is for finding things you may need, if you need to make a presentation you could use PowerPoint, finding a map for directions you could look on google maps, etc. They are a very good source that you could use for a lifetime.

My next class is math. I am very good at math, and I always have been...I take after my mom :) We learned about mathematical stuff, and then before I know it class is over! I guess since I like it so much, time passed quickly. Finally lunch time. You get to hang out with friends from different classes, look around the school, work on any homework you have to have done, Eat your lunch of course, or just sit around with your best friends talking. Lunch is always one of my favourite things to do.

After a wonderful lunch with your friends, it's back to work....AGAIN! This time, this class takes up two blocks, because you learn about normal history like Egypt, Mesopotamia, etc. The other block talks about history too, but more like slavery, and what happened back in the olden times. As we walk into the classroom and sit down, I see the teacher looking like he has something to say. We let him talk and as soon as it's over we rush to get our laptops because people are like piranhas and always take them. Around 3:13 everyone is putting their stuff away, 3:14 people are ready and waiting at the door. As soon as the clock strikes 3:15 everyone is out as a flash of lightening, rushing to their lockers and leaving out the school doors while they walk beside their friends.

I wait for about 3 minutes which is now 3:18 and my father comes. We start talking about my day and how school was etc. Then he puts the bombshell on me "You have to walk your dog." I was on my feet all day and my father was on the couch, who do you think should walk the dog?

We get home I have my snack and start watching t.v. even though my dad hates it when I change the channel. Just to get me off the couch so he can watch t.v, he says with a grin, "Walk your dog and get the mail" I grab the key and leave with my dog, as I'm walking, I get to thinking. Why do I always have to walk the dog? I'm on my feet all day walking on the different floors, and he's at home on the couch watching t.v. even though he claims he had been working. Pa-lease if there is a warm spot on the couch for where he had been laying, and the T.v cranked up to his level, HE HAS NOT BEEN WORKING! I HAVE!!!! But I've realized in this lifetime, you cannot win with Parents, except my mom, she understands because she works.

I walk into the house from my short walk, and I hear the t.v. loud and see my dad on the couch, I go sit in the chair, and my father looks at me and happily says "Did you clean your room, make your bed, clean out the dishwasher, and put dishes in?" "No I Haven't," I say started to get annoyed that he didn't clean out the dishwasher, OR let me have a break. I stomp down the stairs and go on the computer very mad with "Smoke coming out my ears" You could say.

Eventually I make my bed and do my chores...but only Cause I'm very nice and can't stay mad for a long time. After my chores it's dinner. One of the happiest times ever! I grab what my parents made me and go downstairs to "My lair" my parents would say. To go watch some t.v, and play on my ipod. I soon find out that it's 9:00. I normally go to bed at 9:00, or 9:30 because other wise I'm grumpy in the morning :) I lye in bed thinking about the stuff I did earlier, and figure out my outfit for the next day. "Man am I tired, on my feet all day...Unlike some people I know (Sigh)" And then slowly and swiftly fall asleep.

Most parents say that they know everything that happens at school, and how easy it is. For one thing, they don't have a clue by the way they question us. And Two school is not easy as you think. Since parents graduated, of course it's easy. But to us it's still hard because we have to learn new things everyday. Life isn't that easy at school. Also Most Parents tend to complain about how hard their job is, how low they are getting paid, how high the gas prices are at times, and how many bills they have to pay. Sure we may not have that many things to complain about, but we have a fair bit. Walking the dog even though you are extremely tired, studying for tests you have the next day, remembering to finish your homework etc. The list goes on and on. Next time parents complain about this stuff, make sure you think about the stress we are going through. Maybe cut us a little slack...Please?