Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Candy Cane Love Story

It all started off on a Saturday morning. Next week was Christmas and I was just being made on the Saturday. At first started off with the mixing to make me. They then poured me onto this weird machine that I don’t recall the name of. The candy to make me was then going into the puller to make the candy at its greatest; they added green and red stripes from a name that escapes me. Then the cutting came. Cut us into hard sticks. Finally I was born. That was when I met Sally. We both got bent into cane like sticks and then put into the same package. It was nice to be lying right next to Sally she had the gentlest peppermint smell. I asked her if she was trying a new perfume, I realized that I was wearing the same kind of scent. Oh no I was a girl! Sally told me that I was not a girl I just have the same smell. Oh good that means I’m a guy and it’s alright to be attracted to Sally.

After seven of us were made we went to the store. I met a dude that looked vaguely familiar. Apparently we were both made in Sweden. Just what I thought! It kind of hurt my feelings when I saw Sally looking at him. He was in a different package so what was so good about him? Same red and green stripes at me, but that’s when I noticed the horrifying pain coming out of my one leg. I was broken! “Are you ok Paul?” Sally asked curious. “Do you not notice me screaming in excruciating pain?!” I whimpered.

Time was passing and just as I was about to leave the factory I got taken out of my box. What was going on? Where was I going? Will I ever see Sally again? I noticed they were starting to smash me into tiny little pieces and being put into the mixing bowl once again. Everything happened all over again! As I came out so lively, I could feel my Glossy streaks running down my side. They were even glossier than before! Sally has to love me now. I stepped into my package with the help of a wrinkly old hand. It’s so hard to find good workers here these days.
I laid back beside Sally and the first words that came out of her mouth made me jump in joy. “Has something changed? It looks good!” This blissful moment will stay inside my tiny little brain forever until I get eaten that is.

I felt this feeling inside my stomach as if I was being lifted. I was being lifted! We were carried out of the store and into a delivery truck. Next thing we knew was that we were at a place that always makes people happy….Wal-Mart! As we sat upon the shelf in aisle 5, we could only see the Christmas decorations across the aisle and people walking by. People stared, people admired, and some people were even tempted to buy us but didn’t feel the need. Maybe we have just gone out of style and there is no point in hoping we will be the chosen ones.

Waiting in Wal-Mart, Sally and I sat. I turned to look at her but her cheeks were as red as her stripes. What had been the matter? I thought curiously to myself. “Sally, are you okay?” I murmured. “Billy is gone and now, I feel sad!” She whimpered. Billy is that guy I met when they were making us. The one I thought looked vaguely familiar. He must have gotten bought. Of course she still liked him. What was I thinking? She could never love a guy like me. I sat there very depressed thinking I would never win Sally, but that’s when it happened.

“Where is she taking us?” Sally moaned. “Hopefully some place good!” I pled. As the very young looking woman took us out of our packaging, I could tell Sally was nervous. Sally was the first one to get picked up, so she wasn’t quite sure if she was going to be eaten, put on the tree, given to the dog, or put on the table for decoration. I heard a sigh of relief from Sally when she got put onto the tree for decoration. I was the next one out. I wasn’t too scared because I figured I would also go onto the tree. I held my breath as she picked me up. I couldn’t speak, think, or even move! I was frozen like the candy cane I am. I was there in her hand, couldn’t even breathe. The woman brought me closer and closer to her mouth and just as she was about to give me a taste, my stripe sparkled. Right then was a miracle because as soon as she saw that little light from the corner of her eye she sat me onto the bright and colourful tree right next to Sally. I was ecstatic that the woman would choose to place me right next to Sally.

Trust me the best part of this story is coming up extremely soon. I noticed that the Woman only put on a few more of my friends on, but then she went for her decorations. First decoration I noticed was the fake mistletoe decoration the she hung right above us. I leaned over to Sally and gave her a kiss. “What was that for?” Sally said blushing. “The mistletoe is right above us, there is no reason to waste a good kiss” I giggled. Right then is when I knew we would be together forever through thick and thin.

A Few years later Sally and Paul are still together. They were almost eaten twice by some little toddler but ever since that Christmas they have been together. Paul has a few chips throughout his leg but Sally still loves him and that’s all he needed to know. Sally’s stripes have faded but Paul knows he would never want to give up Sally. They then both lived happily ever after.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Best Christmas Ever!

Year 2007 was one of the best and worst years of my life. I lived in Prince George for my entire life until that summer. I was moving away. As you could tell that was the worst part of that year, but the best because, since I was moving away I got to spend almost every waking moment with my best friend Marly. We met through my neighbors fence when we were only about 2 years old. Ever since that day we have been friends and still are even though we are far away from each other.

We picked up Marly on our way to the lake. Summit Lake is where my Grandparents live therefor we call it the lake. Marly was going to spend a weekend with me. I would have to say it was one of the best weekends of my entire life! We sat on the stairs at my grandma's house. As we sat on the nice pine furnished stairs, we could smell fire burning in the furnace to keep the house warm.

"Grandma we're bored!" I sighed. "Don't worry you will have plenty to do at the hall for the Christmas Party!" Grandma Exclaimed. The Hall is just a big place where we have party's and events that are big. I turned to Marly with eyes full of excitement. "We have to go pick out what we want to wear!" I was so excited that I hit myself just for forgetting about the hall. Never once in my life have I forgotten about the hall and here's why. Grandma started on the car and my family (Including Marly, I call her my sister.) All got into the car singing to Christmas carols.

As we got into the Hall I could see many families there. Some related to me and some that have been friends with us for a long time. The very first thing Marly and I did was jump on the big red couch that Santa would always sit on. My friend Jessica, and my annoying cousin joined us. After a while we started to get bored so we decided to play tag as any other child would. "Watch the candles!" One of my relatives bellowed. There was many burning candles on each table. About 15 minutes later after visiting, eating snacks, laughing, and having drinks, we started playing mini games. Of course it was just the children who would play the mini games but My sister was helping out by pushing the play button on the stereo. Marly and I were having so much fun. The mini games were for winning prizes and one of the games Marly and I both one at the same time. It was freeze dance. Very easy and fun. We had to dance and then we would freeze when the music stopped. Marly and I won at that one no problem.

We played quite a few games like pass the present until it was fully unwrapped, freeze tag, freeze dance, etc. We then had dinner. It was just like a buffet, got to pick whatever we wanted. I picked perogies because I love perogies. I was just so utterly excited to sing carols because that was when Santa would come and give us presents. Yay It was time! As everyone got up to go into the middle to sing I could smell a mix of pine floor and the smell of burning candles. I felt so much happiness and I was so Excited waiting for Santa. We sang a few carols and then finally "Here comes Santa Clause" It was always the last song we would sing because as we sang that song Santa would come through the doors. "Here comes Santa Clause, Here comes Santa Clause, right down Santa Clause lane..." "Louder everyone!" Mrs. Peckem would command. We knew that if we got louder Santa would be coming through those doors so Marly and I would sing our hearts out.

"Ho, Ho, Ho" As Santa walked through the doors with a big white beard on, Marly and I would have a grin reaching our ears. Santa sat on the big red couch and called out one by one for different people to give them presents. "Shannon Evans" Yay Santa called me!!!!!! I was happy to go up there sit on his knee and take a picture. As he spoke to me "Have you been a good girl?" "Yes Santa I have." I left as my parents took one last final picture as a memory. I sat back down eager to open my present but Marly and I decided to open the presents when we both got one. "Marly" Marly hurried up same thing as I did and took a picture. We then opened our presents. We got Nancy Drew books and gloves. Interesting. We both got the same thing but different Nancy Drew books.

That night was one I would never forget. I still haven't forgotten it. I have a picture in my scrapbook for memories and remembering how much fun Marly and I had. I lost the gloves sadly but I still have the Nancy Drew books...Although I haven't read them. :)